Four parallel sessions will be organized to accommodate large number of oral presentations. Keynote and plenary lectures will be given by experts and related authorities in the specialized research areas of solid waste management. Poster presentations will also be exhibited during the conference. Both oral and poster presentations will be based on 23 specialized themes, as follows:
- Circular and green economy in waste management
- Green recovery practices in sustainable waste management
- Low carbon, carbon neutral and climate friendly solid waste management practices
- Life cycle assessment and End-of-life scenarios in waste management
- Environmental and health impact in circular economy
- Emerging blue and green technologies in circular economy to mitigate climate change
- Waste collection, segregation and characterization towards circular economy
- Innovative strategies for waste separation, recycling and recovery
- Sustainable solid waste management practices—Countries perspective
- Sustainable waste utilization & recycling methods
- Carbon negative technologies
- Bioenergy and bioproducts from waste (anaerobic digestion, biofuels, etc)
- Biomass production from waste & carbon sequestration (composting, biochar, etc)
- Advanced thermal technologies for waste treatment – Trend & development
- Landfill management & leachate treatment
- Hazardous, industrial and special waste management
- Electronic waste management, treatment and pollution abatement
- Waste management industry - Market potential
- Economic instruments and financing methods for waste management
- Environmental education for waste management industries and community
- Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning in waste management
- Covid-19 pandemic: Challenges, strategies, and policies
- Microplastics and Bioplastics