31 May 2023 (Wednesday) 01 June 2023 (Thursday) 02 June 2023 (Friday)
0800-0900 | Poster Viewing (Room: S426) | |||
0900-1000 |
Keynote Session: Chair – Prof. Tian Zhang |
0900-0930 |
Sustainable biowaste management: Opportunities and challenges in circular economy prof. wong jonathan w c
Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
0930-1000 |
Total recycling of concrete waste using accelerated carbonation prof. poon chi sun
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK |
1000-1020 | Coffee Break | |||
1020-1220 |
A6: Bioenergy & Bioproducts |
B6: Biowaste Valorisation |
C6: Waste Utilization & Recycling |
D6: Catalytic Conversion Technologies |
Prof. Yanling Cheng Co-Chair: Dr. Jialin Liang |
Chair: Prof. Sandhya Babel Co-Chair: Prof. Shiyong Sun |
Chair: Prof. Samir Khanal Co-Chair: Prof. Kaimin Shih |
Chair: Prof. Duu-Jong Lee Co-Chair: Prof. Haowen Guo |
1020-1045 |
760 Approaches for valorisation of biodegradable organic fraction of domestic solid waste prof. anurag garg
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, IN |
307 Green recovery from and sustainable management of solid waste generated in electrolytic manganese production dr. tian zhang
Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, US |
38 Odours and other airborne contaminants of emerging concerns relating to MSW storage and transportation miss fan lv
Tongji University, CN |
963 Conversion of biomass to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural-derived chemicals using carbon-based catalysts ms. jun zhao
Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
1045-1105 |
964 Highly selective butyric acid production by coupled acidogenesis and ion substitution electrodialysis prof. binghua yan
Hunan Agricultural University, CN |
762 Technological advancement and development of circular waste-based biorefinery for sustainable production of chemicals, materials and fuels dr. sze ki carol lin
School of Energy and Environment, City University, Hong Kong, HK |
767 Valorisation of cocoa pod husks in cellulose triacetate and lactic acid prof. yao kouassi benjamin
Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-BoignyYamoussoukro, Ivory Coast, CI |
763 Magnetic ball-milled red mud@peanut seedling straw biochar as hydrogen peroxide activator for degradation of tetracycline prof. yaoyu zhou
College of the Environment and Ecology, Hunan Agricultural University, CN |
1105-1125 |
766 Biodiesel production from optimal food waste hydrolysis by yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides prof. shim hojae
University of Macau, CN |
83 Microbial biotechnology approaches for conversion of fruit processing waste in to emerging source of healthy food for sustainable environment dr. mukesh kumar awasthi
Northwest A&F University, College of Natural Resources and Engineering, CN |
298 Biotechnical processes for extraction and recovery of metals value from electronic wastes dr. ka yu cheng
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), AU |
764 Degradation of emerging recalcitrant contaminants in wastes and wastewater using electro-technology prof. drogui patrick
National Institute for Scientific Research, Quebec, Canada, CA |
1125-1140 |
8 Deep eutectic solvents for the pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass to enhance the sugar recovery miss anu radha
663 Potential of bio-risks in MSW management system prof. wenjing lu
Tsinghua University, CN |
296 Monitoring of beach litter in waters of Hong Kong using aerial drone dr. jian lin chen
Hong Kong Metropolitan University, HK |
116 Nitrogen-doped carbon as efficient catalysts for metal-free conversion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid dr. reeti kumar
Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
1140-1155 |
309 Construction of a multi-parameter-based model to simulate lignin fractionation kinetics in biorefinery processes for urban waste valorization mr. jianyu guan
The Hong kong Polytechnic University, HK |
369 Ecological effects of organic fertilizers produced from agrowastes with different carbon-nitrogen (C/N) ratios on corn growth, soil chemical properties and earthworm behavior mr. arsenio jr bulfa
Silliman University, PH |
259 Choline chloride-dicarboxylic acid based deep eutectic solvents for the valuable metal recovery of waste printed circuit boards dr. qi zhao
The University of Hong Kong, HK |
110 Synthesis of Pd-CNT based hybrid and its application in hydrogen production from formic acid at ambient temperature dr. davidraj johnravindar
Hong Kong Baptist University , HK |
1155-1210 |
286 Cocoa pod husk valorization: Acid-Alkaline pretreatment for microbial lactic acid production mr. leygnima yaya ouattara
Institut National Polytechnique Felix Houphouet Boigny de Yamoussoukro, CI |
714 Carbon emissions in treating food loss and waste in China based on life cycle assessment dr. wencong yue
Dongguan University of Technology, CN |
177 Effect of 7, 8 dihydroxycoumarin protects environment toxicity of cadmium induced in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos dr. dharmar manimaran
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, IN |
194 Insight into PCDD/Fs catalytic decomposition mechanism using two model objects: Experiment and DFT calculation dr. qiulin wang
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, CN |
1210-1220 |
320 Exploration of organic waste for its bioactive pigments dr. venugopal gopikrishnan
Sathyabama, IN |
310 Environmental evaluation of emerging bakery waste oil-derived sophorolipids production by applying dynamic life cycle assessment (dLCA) miss yahui miao
City university of Hong Kong, HK |
13 Generation and utilization of garden waste in Shanghai: Status quo, challenges and countermeasures analysis dr. yue zhu
Tongji University/Shanghai Academy of Environmental Science, CN |
184 Solar-driven reforming of waste polyester plastics for hydrogen evolution over CdS/NiS miss chenxi zhu
Zhejiang University, CN |
1220-1400 | Lunch (1220-1300) & Poster Viewing (1300-1400) (Room: S426) | |||
1400-1600 |
A7: Bioenergy & Bioproducts |
B7: Bioplastics & Microplastics |
C7: Innovative Waste Management Practices |
D7: Landfill, Construction & Demolition Waste Management |
Chair: Prof. Pratap Pullammanappallil Co-Chair: Prof. Hojae Shim |
Chair: Dr. Carol S.K. Lin Co-Chair: Dr. Mukesh Kumar Awasthi |
Chair: Prof. Fan Lu Co-Chair: Dr. Ka Yu Cheng |
Chair: Prof. Patrick Drogui Co-Chair: Dr. Reeti Kumar |
1400-1425 |
965 Material utilization of straw biomass as a kind agricultural by-products, the acquirement and practice prof. chen jishuang
Nanjing Tech University, CN |
966 Measuring the extent of biodegradation of plastics prof. william clarke
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, AU |
967 Nanobubble technology applications in environmental remediation and controlled environment agriculture prof. samir kumar khanal
University of Hawatt at Manoa, US |
755 Landfill in-situ aeration and improvement of landfill gas extraction systems- Ways to pollution control and climate protection prof. rainer stegmann
Hamburg University of Technology, DE |
1425-1445 |
968 Fermentation of food waste for the production of clean energy and biofertilizer prof. yaling cheng
Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization; Biochemical Engineering College,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100023, CN |
359 Enzyme immobilization onto clay surface for waste conversion prof. shiyong sun
Southwest University of Science and Technology, CN |
101 Technological advances in bio/electrochemical carbon dioxide capture & utilization (CCU) dr. deepak pant
Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO, BE |
768 Pre- and co-processing of tailor-made alternative fuel dr. hubert baier
WhiteLabel-TandemProjects e.U., DE |
1445-1500 |
689 Hydrochar prepared from digestate improves anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and food waste mr. qiuxiang xu
Dongguan University of Technology, CN |
111 Microplastics pollution in food waste biological treatment dr. manu mathikere krishnegowda
Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
308 Toxic metal transformation characteristics of fly ash from different cooling zones after municipal solid waste incinerator mr. bing xie
South China Institute of Environmental Science, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, CN |
628 Binder testing of mixed plastics-polymer modified bitumen for asphaltic wearing course dr. sook fun wong
Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore, SG |
1500-1515 |
157 Fabrication of food waste-derived biodegradable medical textiles via electrospinning and electrospraying for healthcare apparel and personal protective equipment mr. johnny lo
City University of Hong Kong , HK |
412 Deciphering the mechanism shaping bacterial community in plastisphere and kitchen waste composting with PLA/PBAT blends dr. yuquan wei
China agricultural University, CN |
297 Enhancing compressive strength of rubberised concrete with sodium hydroxide coupled with microwave devulcanization treatment ms. adjoavi colette djassou
Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët Boigny , CI |
314 Laboratory-scale and pilot-scale study on chemical co-precipitation treatment of old-age landfill leachate dr. kwok ho
Hong Kong Productivity Council, HK |
1515-1530 |
76 Separation and purification of glabridin from deep eutectic solvents (DES) extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra residue by macroporous resin miss xiaoyun liu
Nanjing Tech University, CN |
6 Bioprocess robustness of newer polyhydroxyalkanoate producers as sustainable and persistent industrial strains mr. rajat kumar
Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
36 Evaluation of bioaerosol risk during insect-protein-production of biowaste miss xinyue kang
Tongji University, CN |
47 Improvement of upstream SWM supporting the start up operation of four new sanitary landfills in Indonesia mr. udo lange
AHT GROUP GmbH Essen, DE |
1530-1540 |
332 The role of novel biocarbon on the treatment of industrial wastewater – A green concept dr. singanan malairajan
Presidency College (Autonomous), Chennai, IN |
90 Untargeted metabolomics elucidated biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate by mixed microbial cultures from waste activated sludge under different pH values mr. yi zheng
China Agricultural University, CN |
145 Remediation & reuse of mercury contaminated site by unique two stage process of waterwash and retord dr. sengoda gounder rajamani
Asian International Union of Environment (AIUE) Commission, IN |
18 Prediction of illegal dumping by using Geographically weighted regression mr. liang yuan
University of Hong Kong, HK |
1540-1550 |
326 One-pot fractionation of endocarp waste for sustainable high value-added products ms. rabia jalil khan
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK |
180 Identification and removal of microplastic pollutants in soil-like materials from landfills dr. jingyuan sima
Zhejiang University, CN |
73 Performance of food waste pre-treatment system with the aid of solar-heated water miss ka yi siu
AEL (International Holdings) Limited, HK |
218 Treatment of Black water by advanced baffled reactor mr. anurag tomar
1550-1600 |
86 Conversion of Food waste into lipid by oleaginous fungi mrs. a umapathi
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, IN |
325 Aerobic degradation of deca-brominated diphenyl ethers (Deca-BDE): Novel indigenous microbes, mineralization, dehalogenation, metabolites and degradation pathway dr. sonam paliya
Department of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IITI), Madhya Pradesh, India, IN |
277 Development of cushioning materials from water hyacinth fibers and bagasse ms. pawena limpiteeprakan
College of Medicine and Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani University, TH |
669 Carbon-driven persulfate activation for nonradical antibiotic degradation in aquatic surroundings mr. wei sun
Dongguan University of Technology, CN |
1600-1615 | Coffee Break | |||
1615-1730 |
A8: Bioenergy & Bioproducts |
B8: Bioplastics & Microplastics |
C8: Hazardous & Industrial Waste Management |
D8: Landfill, Construction & Demolition Waste Management |
Chair: Prof. Anurag Garg Co-Chair: Dr. Qiuxiang Xu
Chair: Prof. William Clarke Co-Chair: Mr. Rajat Kumar |
Chair: Prof. Kouassi Benjamin Yao Co-Chair: Dr. Sook Fun Wong |
Chair: Prof. Rainer Stegmann Co-Chair: Dr. Johnravindar Davidraj |
1615-1640 |
364 Thermo-mechanical treatment of nonrecyclable municipal solid waste to enhance organics recovery and biochemical processing prof. pratap pullammanappallil
University of Florida, US |
759 Microplastics contamination in compost produced from solid waste prof. sandhya babel
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, TH |
757 Emerging pollutants in wastewater sludge: lessons learned from perfluorochemicals prof. kaimin shih
Hong Kong Univerisity, HK |
969 Sharing construction waste materials across different jurisdictions: Prospects and challenges for a smarter and greener Greater Bay Area prof. wilsonlu wilsonlu
zhejiang university asd aadsa d, HK |
1640-1655 |
315 Development of low-cost proton exchange membrane (PEM) for microbial fuel cells (MFC) prof. alagarsamy arun
Department of Microbiology, Alagappa University, , IN |
44 Near-infrared spectroscopy based method for rapid detection of microplastics in complex environment mr. huihuang zou
Tongji university, CN |
306 Remediation of toxic effects of Parthenium hysterophorus through circular economy by using it for the removal of As, Sb, Cd, Cr, U, F and other heavy metals from wastewater dr. prasanta dhak
the Department of Chemistry, Techno India University, IN |
10 Jawaharnagar municipal landill leachate treatment, Hyderabad, Telangana state dr. syeda azeem unnisa
Osmania University, IN |
1655-1710 |
651 Deciphering chloramphenicol biotransformation mechanisms and microbial interactions via integrated multi-omics and cultivation-dependent approaches dr. jiayu zhang
Research Center for Eco-environmental Engineering, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, China, CN |
85 Concomitant production of value-added co-products during polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production: Approaches for building circular bioeconomy in PHA process ms. bhoomika yadav
Institut national de la recherche scientifique-ETE, CA |
160 Emission characteristics and QSAR model interpretation of PCDD/Fs in a large-scale hazardous waste incinerator under different operation conditions miss wenqian jiang
Zhejiang University, CN |
360 Construction & demolition waste challenges – An analysis using the analytical hierarchy process mrs. ishita de
Institute of Engineering & Management, IN |
1710-1720 |
283 Characterization and valorization of marine sediment mrs. belhadri mazouri
106 Production of PHA from pineapple residues by Cupriavidus Necator mrs. ayoko tossou
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada , CA |
443 Electrooxidation treatment and dewatering of septic tank sludge miss hayat el amri
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), CA |
203 Landfill leachate treatment using a combination of biological and electrochemical methods miss anusha atmakuri
Institut national de la recherche scientifique, CA |
1720-1730 |
366 Valorization of biowastes from wastewater phytoremediation process: A model for constructed wetlands integrated management in a South-Mediterranean region dr. soulwene kouki
Water Researches ans Technologies Centre, Tunisia, TN |
67 Production of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biopolyesters by thermophilic bacteria using waste substrates ms. shraddha chavan
Institut national de la recherche scientifique, CA |
174 Toward the adoption of circular economy in Africa: Prospects and challenges dr. kazeem aderemi bello
Federal University Oye Ekiti, Nigeria, NG |
661 Tertiary treatment of a mixture of composting and landfill leachates using electrochemical processes miss alae benguit
www.inrs.ca, CA |
1730-1800 |
Closing Session and Award Presentation |