All accepted abstracts and papers will be published in ICSWHK2023 Conference Proceedings in June 2023. In addition, the selected papers presented at the Conference will be examined by the Scientific Committee for possible publication in a special issue dedicated to the Conference outcomes in the renowned peer-reviewed SCI journals “Bioresource Technology (Impact factor: 11.889)” and “Environmental Technology (Impact factor: 3.475)”. Authors of these papers will be invited after the selection to submit their papers to the journals for the peer-review process.
If your abstract has been accepted, you can submit your Final Paper. The final paper length should be within 4 pages (including references). The template of the Final Paper is available in the Download section.
Final paper should be submitted by email to with the reference of abstract reference no. by 15th May 2023.
A paper should contain the description of your study and should be structured in different sections such as: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if applicable) and References.
Please note that title and authors list should be coincident with the accepted abstract.
Contributions will only be published in the ICSWHK2023 Conference Proceedings if at least one of the authors of the paper is registered