Two pre-conference workshops will be organized to educate and promote the latest waste management issues and treatment options to the members of the society on 30 May, 2023 at The Harbourview, Wan Chai. Interested parties including the general public and the representatives from local district levels will be invited to the public lectures to share their views on the related issues. Please click the title for more details:
I) Enhanced Landfill Mining: Technologies, Products, and Costs
Time: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
The workshop will provide insights into the risks and opportunities of landfill mining and show the potential–quality, and quantity-of resources in landfills and evaluate the contribution of these secondary raw materials to energy and material supply. In addition, details about suitable technologies for the deconstruction, processing, and confectioning of the deconstructed waste from landfills will be presented. A special focus of the presentation is addressed to economic issues.
Objectives of the workshop
· To identify the climate protection potential of landfill mining
· Assessment of economic models for transportation, recycling and landfilling
· To identify the opportunities and risks associated with landfill mining
Interested participants can register via
II) Biochar for Sustainable Management of Urban Biomass Waste
Time: 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm
With the increasing amount of urban biomass waste generated globally, innovative solutions are required to manage this waste in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective manner. Biochar has been identified as a promising solution to this problem, as it can be produced from a variety of biomass sources and has numerous benefits for soil health, carbon sequestration, and waste management. The workshop will feature a roundtable discussion, providing participants with the opportunity to engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas and experiences with other stakeholders in the industry.
Objectives of the workshop
· To identify potential biochar research and production technologies
· To evaluate carbon trading opportunities for biochar producers
Interested participants can register via
CPD certificate will be issued to all participants.