31 May 2023 (Wednesday) 1 June 2023 (Thursday) 2 June 2023 (Friday)
0800-0900 | Registration | |||
0900-1000 |
Opening Ceremony (Room: S421)
0900-0905 |
Opening Address: Chair - Prof. Jonathan Wong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR |
0905-0910 |
Welcome Speech: Prof. Alex Wei, President, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR |
0910-0930 | Opening Speech: Mr. Kenneth Cheng, Assistant Director, Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR “Waste management status of Hong Kong” | |||
0930-1000 |
Manufacture of organic-based fertilizers to ensure development of sustainable agriculture prof. shen qirong
Nanjing Agricultrual univerisity, CN |
1000-1015 | Photo session | |||
1015-1045 | Coffee Break | |||
1045-1215 | Keynote Session: Chair – Prof. Chettiyappan Visvanathan; Room: S421 Login / Register | |||
1045-1115 |
The role of biogenic waste and residues in the bioeconomy & energy system – Strategic, technical, ecological & economical aspects prof. michael nelles
Rostock University & DBFZ Leipzg, DE |
1115-1145 |
Sustainable Treatment and Utilization of MSWI Fly Ash prof. yan jianhua
Zhejiang University, CN |
1145-1215 |
Microplastics and nanoplastics pollution and their sustainable management prof. ashok pandey
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, IN |
1215-1400 | Lunch (1215-1300) and Poster Viewing (1300-1400) (Room: S426) | |||
1400-1500 |
Keynote Session: Chair – Prof. Michael Nelles; Room: S421 |
1400-1430 |
Enhanced landfill mining – Technologies, products, and costs prof. fricke klaus
Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, DE |
1430-1500 |
Valorization of wastes to bioplastics: Challenges and opportunities prof. tyagi rd
Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
Session A - Room: S421 | Session B - Room: S423 | Session C - Room: S425 | Session D - Room: 428 | |
1505-1600 |
A1: Anaerobic Digestion |
B1: Composting |
C1: Sustainable Waste Management |
D1: Thermal Treatment (Pyrolysis, Gasification & Incineration) |
Chair: Prof. Michael Nelles Co-Chair: Dr. Suyun Xu |
Chair: Dr. Venkata Mohan TBC Co-Chair: Dr. Ravindran Balasubramani |
Chair: Prof. Katia Lasaridi Co-Chair: Dr. Soh Kheang Loh |
Chair: Prof. Roger Ruan Co-Chair: Prof. Murugesan Kumarasamy |
1505-1530 |
957 Pretreatments of organic substrates and their indigenous bacteria for dark fermentation prof. helene carrere
French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), FR |
946 Composting microbes: Past, present and future prof. ji li
China agriculture university, CN |
947 Moving plastic waste management from liner to circular economy: Role of dumpsite plastic mining prof. chettiyappan visvanathan
Asian Institute of Technology, TH |
250 Gasification of municipal solid waste as a disposal route for circular economy prof. dj lee
City University of Hong Kong, HK |
1530-1545 |
365 Factors that limit decomposition of organic fraction of non-recyclable municipal solid waste in a high-solids, leach-bed anaerobic digestion process prof. pratap pullammanappallil
University of Florida, US |
682 Lignite effects active nitrogen gas emission during poultry wastes composting: Insights into the microbial mechanism prof. yun cao
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CN |
273 Comprehensive recycling of fresh municipal sewage sludge to safely fertilize plants and achieve low carbon emission prof. qi-tang wu
South China Agricultural University, CN |
776 Co-pyrolysis of food waste and agricultural waste: Mechanism and process optimization study prof. hua li
Nanjing Agricultural University, CN |
1545-1600 |
56 Biodegradability evaluation of plastics in organic solid waste using a novel volumetric respirometer dr. jing liu
BPC Instruments AB, SE |
301 Synergistic abatement of NH3 and N2O emission from composting process dr. xuan wang
Center for Agricultural Resources Research Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN |
229 Energy economics of the municipal solid waste process dr. sridhar pilli
National Institute of Technology Warangal, IN |
571 Study on pyrolysis of ultra-high grade oil shale and characteristics of three-phase products prof. xuebin wang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, CN |
1600-1620 | Coffee Break | |||
1620-1810 |
A2: Anaerobic Digestion |
B2: Composting |
C2: Sustainable Waste Management |
D2: Thermal Treatment (Pyrolysis, Gasification & Incineration) |
Chair: Prof. Hélène Carrere Co-Chair: Prof. Liu Jing |
Chair: Prof. Ji Li Co-Chair: Dr. Wang Xuan |
Chair: Prof. R. D. Tyagi Co-Chair: Prof. Qi-Tang Wu |
Chair: Prof. Jianhua Yan Co-Chair: Prof. Hua Li |
1620-1645 |
948 Metabolic insights of carboxydotrophics in syngas fermentation for low-carbon chemicals/fuels prof. s venkata mohan
CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), IN |
74 Nitrogen transformation during pig manure composting with diatomite addition prof. zengqiang zhang
Northwest A&F University, CN |
356 Assessing the baseline of food waste generation in Greek households prof. katia lasaridi
Harokopio University, GR |
11 Catalytic microwave-assisted pyrolysis of organic solid waste for fuels, chemicals, and materials production prof. roger ruan
University of Minnesota, US |
1645-1705 |
61 CO2 enrichment regulates acid production and methane yield from anaerobic digestion of food waste dr. suyun xu
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, CN |
62 Dynamics of nutrients and gaseous emissions during co-composting of food waste and poultry manure with different amendments dr. balasubramani ravindran
Kyonggi university, KR |
938 Oil palm biomass - Waste to wealth circular approach dr. soh kheang loh
mpob.gov.my, MY |
92 Conversion of waste face mask into carbonized functional materials for environmental applications prof. kumarasamy murugesan
1705-1720 |
51 Deciphering molecular transformation behavior and potential molecular markers in advanced anaerobic digestion of sludge by FT-ICR MS nontarget metabolomic analysis dr. jibao liu
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN |
207 Nutrient recovery and treatment of organic waste by vermitechnology prof. vinod kumar garg
Central University of Punjab, IN |
256 Separation of low-grade phosphate ores by novel semi-through hydraulic barrier hydrocyclone prof. lan xiang
Tsinghua University, CN |
198 Synthesis gas production from co-pyrolysis of straw biomass and polyethylene agricultural film dr. lei wang
Nanjing Tech University, CN |
1720-1735 |
77 Effect of micro-nano zero-valent iron on the metabolic profiles of fermentative bacteria dr. nirakar pradhan
Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
60 Responds of physiological inheritance mechanism on seed germination under phytotoxicity during chicken manure composting miss guoying wang
China agricultural university, CN |
144 Designing low-carbon cements for stabilization/solidification of MSWI fly ash prof. lei wang
Zhejiang University, CN |
212 Ash fusion characteristics of sewage sludge and its inhibitors to avoid slagging during incineration dr. jian zhang
University of shanghai for science and technology, CN |
1735-1750 |
7 Regulation of acidogenic fermentation through exogenous additives for promoting carbon conversion of food waste in two-phase anaerobic system dr. liwen luo
Institute for Research and Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK |
163 Deciphering the dynamics of antibiotic resistance genes and the driving mechanisms during pig manure, kitchen waste, sewage sludge composting dr. ruonan ma
China Agricultural University, CN |
9 Process optimization for the pretreatment of Lantana Camara using combined acid and deep eutectic solvent for sugar production dr. muthu kumar sampath
Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, IN |
567 Emission and distribution of dioxin in a coal-fired power plant coupled with garbage and biomass miss yili zhang
Xi'an Jiaotong University, CN |
1750-1800 |
72 Effect of microaeration on anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and sewage sludge mr. wachiranon chuenchart
University of Hawaii at Manoa, US |
43 Effects of reflux of mature compost during perishable waste composting ms. zhao xu
China Agricultural University, CN |
156 Effective utilisations of discarded reverse osmosis post-carbon for dye adsorption ms. komal saini
CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, IN |
41 Fabrication of hydrophobic composite material using residues derived from incineration of textile waste mr. jianzun lu
Beijing Normal University–Hong Kong Baptist University United International College, CN |
1800-1810 |
242 Precise pH control of food waste biomethanation using granulated activated carbon ms. hemapriya s
BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus, IN |
98 Control of nitrogen and odor emission during chicken manure composting with a carbon-based microbial agent inoculation and biotrickling filter miss haorong zhang
Nanjing Tech University, CN |
297 Enhancing compressive strength of rubberised concrete with sodium hydroxide coupled with microwave devulcanization treatment ms. adjoavi colette djassou
Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët Boigny , CI |
568 Production of a novel catalyst from oil palm waste and chitosan for application in catalytic microwave pyrolysis of algae miss shin ying foong
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, MY |
1800-1900 | Poster Viewing (Room: S426) |